
1. Aims and scope of the policy

The Tuition Fee policy takes account of both the needs of the student and the College’s need to ensure the collection of tuition fees and other fees in an efficient and timely manner. 

This policy covers all types of fee payers that come under the following headings:

  • i) Full-time undergraduates (‘home’ students) whose fees are funded by the Student Loans Company
  • ii) EU/EEA students who started their course prior to 2021 who are funded by the Student Loans Company 
  • iii) Self payers (ie those who pay all their own fees) including postgraduate students, and international students
  • iv) Sponsored students (organisations, overseas government or other bodies) 
  • v) Apprenticeship students 
  • vi) Students on Tailored Learning and other short courses (i.e. courses less than an academic year in length) 

Ruskin College students on full-time and part-time Further Education courses may be required to pay tuition fees depending on their age, home postcode, prior attainment, level of study and course type. All students must have the right to study in England in accordance with the latest government UKVI guidelines.

2. Fee status

The rules around fee status (i.e. whether students qualify for home or international student fees) are complex. The detailed eligibility criteria can be found on the UKCISA website. From September 2021, students will normally qualify for home fees if they:

  • i) Are a UK national or have permanent residence in the UK and have been resident in the UK for the past three years;
  • ii) Are a UK national resident in the Islands, Gibraltar, EU or EEA for the past three years;
  • iii) Are an Irish national resident in the UK or Ireland for the past three years; 
  • iv) Are a refugee or otherwise been given exceptional leave to remain or humanitarian protection for their child or spouse;

For the purposes of this policy, home fee status includes those EU and EEA students who started their studies prior to September 2021.  It should be noted, however, that from September 2021, EU and EEA students will normally only be eligible for home fee status if they are ordinarily resident in the UK.  New entrants from September 2021 who are not ordinarily resident and those who are domiciled in the EU and EEA will normally be classed as international students.   


Only home students will be able to get access to Student Loan Funding.   


International students are all those whose domicile is outside the UK and those who reside in the UK at the time of application but who do not qualify for home fees. 


Students’ fee status will be assessed prior to enrolment. Where students are unable to prove that they are ordinarily resident in the UK, they will be classed as an international student. 


The assessment of a student’s fee status will normally apply for the duration of the course. There are a very few exceptions to this including if a student is granted refugee status.  Any student who considers that their fee assessment is incorrect should contact the Student Advice Team who will be able to advise. 

3. Re-take modules

Fees will normally be charged for all retake modules as a proportion of the appropriate full-time tuition fee. Payment in full is normally required at enrolment. 

Undergraduate students who are taking more than 120 credits in any one academic year will not be charged more than the full-time tuition fee for that year.

Additional fees will not be charged for resits. 

4. Discounts, scholarships and bursaries

4.1 Scholarships and bursaries

The College offers some reductions from the full tuition fees in the form of discounts, scholarships and bursaries. Some scholarships and bursaries are subject to successful application and award. Scholarships and bursaries are not available for short courses (ie courses that are less than an academic year in length).

A student is only eligible for one discount where the College has reduced the total tuition fee by awarding of bursary, scholarship or any other means. No other discount will be applicable.

Students must normally be engaging with their studies to qualify for scholarships and bursary payments.

4.2 Early settlement discount

International students can qualify for an early settlement discount on the tuition fee, if the tuition fee balance for the academic year is paid in full on or before the stated enrolment date.  


The early settlement discount is not applicable for tuition fees of £250 or less, single modules and courses lasting less than an academic year (less than 30 teaching weeks).  


The early settlement discount is only applicable in respect of the academic year where the tuition fee is paid in full in advance or on the enrolment date. For each academic year, students will need to meet the early settlement discount conditions i.e. full payment of tuition fees early, to qualify for further discounts for that academic year.

5. Collection of Full-time and Part-time Undergraduate and Postgraduate Home tuition fees

5.1 Fees paid by Student Loans Company

Where undergraduate students are paying for their course through a Student Loans Company (SLC) Loan, no charges will be made to the student directly provided the College has received official notification from the SLC that an SLC Loan has been approved on or prior to enrolment.

The College will invoice the SLC for the tuition fees. However, the student is still personally responsible and liable for any outstanding debt relating to the tuition fee.  

Where the student has applied for SLC Loan funding and the College has not received official notification from the SLC confirming approval of the SLC Loan, students will be required to either pay the full tuition fee for the academic year or otherwise set up a College of West London payment plan at the time of enrolment.  Upon confirmation of the SLC funding, any payments made by the student will be refunded to the student. 

If the SLC reduces or withdraws a student’s eligibility for SLC Loan, the student will be responsible for paying the tuition fee in whole or in part. If this happens the student will be notified and given the opportunity to enter into a payment plan to pay in instalments. 

Students will be notified when there is a problem with the SLC making the payment.

5.2 Self payers for UG, PG home fees

Full-time and part-time home undergraduates and postgraduates will be able to pay their tuition fees in instalments if a College of West London payment plan is set up at the time of enrolment. For students commencing in September, three instalments will be payable as follows: 


  • i) The first instalment payable in October 
  • ii) The second instalment payable in January 
  • iii) The third instalment payable in April 


For students commencing in February, three instalments will be payable as follows: 


  • i) The first instalment payable in March 
  • ii) The second instalment payable in April 
  • iii) The third instalment payable in September 


All postgraduate students with an approved Student Loan are responsible for making all tuition fee payments directly to the College.   


Postgraduate students who pay their tuition fees in full on or prior to enrolment will be eligible for an early settlement discount.   


Students whose fees are paid by their parents or relatives will be treated as self-payers.  As the contract is with the student, the College can only correspond with the student over any issues related to their tuition fees.

5.3 Study abroad

UWL students who are studying abroad for one semester will be expected to pay their tuition fees in full before or at enrolment. Students studying the full academic year will be offered a payment plan as outlined in paragraph 5.2 above.


International students coming to the College on a Study Abroad programme will be required to pay their fees in accordance with the requirements for international students tuition fees as set out in Section 7 below.

5.4 Self-payers for short courses and other courses

Students whose tuition fees are £250 or less, single modules and courses lasting less than an academic year (less than 30 teaching weeks) must pay in full at enrolment. 


Students on short courses lasting one academic year can pay their tuition fees in instalments if a University of West London payment plan is set up at the time of enrolment. Under the payment plan, 50% of the tuition fee must be paid on or by the first day of enrolment.  The balance must be paid by a maximum of three instalments.  The instalments must be paid on the first day of each month. For example, a student registering in September would pay 50 per cent prior to enrolment, followed by three instalments 1 November, 1 December and 1 January.

5.5 Tailored Learning and other short courses

All Tailored Learning courses are funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). The aim of this funding is to focus public funding on people who are disadvantaged and least likely to participate in education, particularly those on low incomes with low skills.  The College’s aim is to provide the best level of education and inclusion opportunities to adults – particularly those who may be excluded or disadvantaged – and to transform the individuals concerned along with the communities, groups and societies from which they come. 


The College will charge the basic rate to those deemed able to pay or are not eligible for Tailored Learning ESFA funding. Those not eligible include those under 19s or anyone who has not been resident in the UK for at least three years, (except for those who are part of the Homes for Ukraine, Ukraine Family Scheme and Ukraine Extension Scheme).  To ensure participation and encourage applications from all backgrounds, the rate for the 2024 – 2025 academic year is £25.00, regardless of the type or length of the course.  This fee must be paid at the point of enrolment. 


The College will also run other short courses which do not fall under the same funding rules as Tailored Learning.  The fees for these courses will be payable to those learners earning above the £25k earnings threshold. As with Tailored Learning, exceptions apply.  


As part of our commitment to supporting our community of learners, the College will fully waive fees for learners in receipt of one of the following benefits: 

  • Job Seekers Allowance 
  • Employment Support Allowance 
  • Income Support 
  • Universal Credit 
  • Other credits 

At the discretion of the College, other learners may also be exempt from fees. These may include full-time carers of adults, refugees and asylum seekers, care leavers, members of the GRT community, and homeless residents or those at risk of homelessness. This is not an exhaustive list and applicants who think they may be eligible for fee exemption should contact the Tailored Learning Team directly. 

Monitoring and enhancement 


Ruskin College will carry out regular reviews of provision through our quality and self-assessment processes.

6. International students

6.1 Up-front tuition fee payment and non refundable deposits

All full-time international students will be required to pay an up-front payment of their tuition fees to secure their place on the course and to be issued a Confirmation of Acceptance (CAS). The amount of the up-front payment will be detailed in the offer letter.  £2000 of this up-front payment is a non-refundable deposit.  

The deposit is refundable only in the following circumstances: 


  • if the College does not issue a CAS; or 
  • where a student is issued with a visa refusal by the UKVI unless the refusal by UKVI is for reasons of fraud or misrepresentation. 


Where the deposit and up-front payment are refunded to the student, the College will retain £1000 as an administration fee.

Where a student is unable to apply for a visa or decides not to study in the year of application for any reason, the College will return the up-front payment minus the £2000 deposit. The College will retain the deposit which the student may use to re-apply within two years.

Where a student commences their course of study but decides to withdraw, the College will retain the £2000 deposit. 

6.2 Early settlement discount for international students

Students can qualify for an early settlement discount on the tuition fee, if the tuition fee balance for the academic year is paid in full on or before the stated enrolment date.

6.3 Instalment option

International students can pay their tuition fees in instalments if a College of West London payment plan is set up at the time of enrolment. Under the payment plan, at least 50% of the total tuition fee for the academic year must be paid at enrolment and the balance must be paid by a maximum of three instalments. The instalments must be paid on the first day of each month.

For example, a student registering in September would pay 50% prior to enrolment, followed by three instalments: 1 November, 1 December and 1 January.

7. Sponsored students

7.1 Home students

Where tuition fees are paid for in part or full by an organisation, the student must provide a purchase order or sponsorship letter from the organisation on or before enrolment.

Sponsoring organisations will be invoiced following the enrolment of a student and payment of the total tuition fees for the academic year is due immediately. Where tuition fees are not paid in full on time, the College reserves the right to charge interest on any overdue debt each month until the debt is paid and/or suspend or withdraw the student from the course.

Under the terms of this policy, the Student Loans Company (SLC), local authorities and research councils are not defined as fee sponsors. 

7.2 International students

The requirement for a deposit is waived where international students are sponsored in full by an organisation. However, the College must receive full payment of all tuition fees during or before enrolment from all overseas sponsors. 


An international student will be unable to enrol until such time as full payment has been received. Such students may then transfer to be a self-payer and may set up a payment plan to pay in instalments as outlined in section 6.3


For the purposes of this policy, students in receipt of US Federal Aid will be treated as sponsored students and will not be required to pay a deposit. Students who pay through Federal Aid Loans are required to abide by the requirements of these loans to maintain their eligibility.  This is outlined in the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

7.3 Sponsored students’ responsibilities for fees

The student is still personally liable for any outstanding tuition fees. If the sponsor fails to pay the tuition fees on time, the College will collect the tuition fee debt from the students.

Students will be notified in the event that there is a problem with an organisation making the payment. Such students may then transfer to be a self-payer and may set up an instalment plan.

8. Apprenticeship students

The tuition fees for Apprenticeship students will be paid by the employer.  The apprentice student may be required to leave the apprenticeship course if:

  • the apprentice student’s employment with their employer has been terminated;
  • The employer ceases to pay for the apprenticeship course; 

An apprentice student may be able to transfer to a non-apprentice course if they are required to leave their apprenticeship course. If an apprentice student transfers to a non-apprentice route, they will be liable for tuition fees as outlined in this policy. 

9. When refunds are payable

9.1 Deposits

Unless otherwise stated in this Policy, where a course stipulates that a deposit is payable in advance such deposits are non- refundable or transferable unless the course is cancelled by the College.

The deposits for international students are repayable only as outlined in 6.1 above.

9.2 Formal withdrawals

Refunds may be made to students as set out below in section 9.3. Such refunds will only be made where official notification of the withdrawal has been made in accordance with the Academic Regulations (Non-attendance is not accepted as a withdrawal). The date of the refund will be when the withdrawal notification has been accepted. Refunds will not be backdated where a student has failed to inform the College.

Refunds will not normally be made to students who have been withdrawn as a result of a disciplinary process or withdrawn by an assessment board.

9.3 Refunds of tuition fees

The refunds set out in the tables below are based on the assumption that the tuition fee has been paid in full.  Where tuition fees have not been paid in full, a student will still be liable for any outstanding tuition fees following withdrawal in accordance with this policy.

Fee liability for Undergraduate Home Students (full time and part time) 

September starters

Withdraw prior to initial enrolment or within 14 days of initial enrolment. Applicable only for first academic year of enrolment. 

  • 75% refund: Withdrawal before 31 December.
  • 50% refund: Withdrawal before 31 March.
  • 0% refund: Withdrawal on or after 1 April. No refunds will be made following this date.

February starters

  • 75% refund: Withdrawal before 31 March.
  • 50% refund: Withdrawal before 31 August.
  • 0% refund: Withdrawal on or after 1 September No refunds will be made following this date.

April starters

  • 75% refund: Withdrawal before 31 August.
  • 50% refund: Withdrawal before 31 December.
  • 0% refund: Withdrawal on or after 1 January No refunds will be made following this date.

Fee liability for Postgraduate Home Students (full time and part time) 

September starters

Withdraw prior to initial enrolment or within 14 days of initial enrolment. Applicable only for first academic year of enrolment. 


  • 66% refund: Withdrawal before 31 December.
  • 33% refund: Withdrawal before 31 March.
  • 0% refund: Withdrawal on or after 1 April. No refunds will be made following this date.

February starters

  • 66% refund: Withdrawal before 31 March.
  • 33% refund: Withdrawal before 31 August.
  • 0% refund: Withdrawal on or after 1 September. No refunds will be made following this date.

April starters

  • 66% refund: Withdrawal before 31 August.
  • 33% refund: Withdrawal before 31 December.
  • 0% refund: Withdrawal on or after 1 January. No refunds will be made following this date.

Fee Liability for Undergraduate and Postgraduate International students

September starters

Withdraw prior to initial enrolment or within 14 days of initial enrolment. Applicable only for first academic year of enrolment. 


  • 50% refund: Withdrawal before 31 October.
  • 30% refund: Withdrawal before 30 November. 
  • 0% refund: Withdrawal on or after 1  December. No refunds will be made following this date.

February starters

  • 50% refund: Withdrawal before 30 April.
  • 30% refund: Withdrawal before 31 May. 
  • 0% refund: Withdrawal on or after 1 June. No refunds will be made following this date.

April starters

  • 50% refund: Withdrawal before 30 June.  
  • 30% refund: Withdrawal before 31 July.
  • 0% refund: Withdrawal on or after 1 August. No refunds will be made following this date.

Where tuition fees have not been paid in full, only the proportion of the tuition fees that have been paid may be refunded.   


Students who are enrolling for their second or subsequent year of study are not entitled to a refund within 14 days of enrolment.

9.4 Refunds to the SLC

For those funded by the Student Loans Company (SLC), refunds will normally be made directly to the SLC. 


Where a student is withdrawn from their course, the College will notify the SLC.    Please note that the SLC will take immediate action to recover any overpaid maintenance loans from the students.

9.5 Refunds for international students

Refunds to international students will be made as outlined in sections 7.1 and 7.3 above. Such refunds to international students will only be made once the College has received a copy of the returning student’s passport displaying a valid re-entry date stamp into their home country. 


Where a student commences a course of study with the College and requires additional time to complete the course but the College does not issue a CAS for this purpose, the tuition fee for each completed module will still be payable. Other fees may be refunded.

9.6 Short Courses

There will be no refunds for short courses, single modules (including Associate modules), courses lasting less than an academic year (less than 30 teaching weeks) or for fees of £250 or less other than when the College cancels a course. Short courses are those designated as such by the College.

9.7 Deferral of study

Where a student has deferred in accordance with the Academic Regulations, a refund may be made according to the date of deferral as outlined for home students in the refunds section 9.3 above.

Where self-paying students defer their study to the next academic period, any tuition fees paid by the student for modules not undertaken which are not refundable in accordance with section 9.3 above can be used as part payment against tuition fees for the next academic period of study by the student.  Students are required to return to study within two years of the deferral date. On return from deferral, the current year’s fees will be charged to all students.

Where a student decides not to return, the refund conditions under sections 9.1 and 9.3 apply.

9.8 Transfers to a different course

Students who wish to transfer to another course within the College which has been agreed by the School or College should submit an official transfer form. Students will be charged for all modules completed on the existing course they are transferring from.  Part completed modules will be charged pro rata.  If any payments have been made for uncompleted modules on the existing course these will be carried over to the new course.

Where a course transfer involves an increase in tuition fees students will be immediately liable for the difference between the old and new course fees. 

Where a course transfer involves a decrease in tuition fees, students will be refunded any overpayment.

9.9. Mitigating circumstances

Where students have to leave or defer because of mitigating circumstances, the appropriate refund policy as outlined in section 9 will still apply.

10 Non-payment of tuition fees

10.1 Payment to complete the enrolment process

As part of the enrolment process, students are required to complete the College’s financial procedures including payment of fees. Students unable to do so will not be enrolled on any course under any circumstance unless previously agreed by the Chief Financial Officer or nominated deputy.

10.2 Payment to complete the enrolment process

Applicants who have undertaken their online enrolment but who have not:


  • paid their tuition fees; or  
  • entered a payment plan; or  
  • provided documentation from the SLC or a sponsor to evidence their tuition fees will be paid by SLC or sponsor will not acquire student status and will deemed to be only part enrolled (Part Enrolled Applicants).

Part enrolled Applicants will have 2 weeks to complete enrolment and either make full payment of their tuition fees, set up a payment plan with the College, or provide the required documentation from SLC or sponsor to set up payment by SLC or sponsor. The 2 weeks for completion of enrolment may be extended at the College’s discretion. Part enrolled applicants will not have student status and the College will not issue student status letters, release student loans or pay bursaries/scholarships to those who are part enrolled until they have completed the financial part of the enrolment process.  


Part enrolled Applicants who have not completed their enrolment within one month of the start of the semester will normally have their access temporarily suspended resulting in no access to the College buildings or its facilities. Part enrolled Applicants will then have seven days to contact the Student Finance team (see above) in order to address this issue. Part Enrolled Applicants who fail to contact Student Finance to make payment arrangements will have their part enrolment cancelled. 


Part enrolled Applicants who have been engaging with the College while they are part enrolled may be liable for tuition fees for the period where they have accessed educational services at the College even if they subsequently withdraw.

10.3 Continuing students

Continuing students who fail to pay their tuition fees or who do not enter into a payment plan will not be able to re-enrol. 

Continuing students who have not paid their fees within one month of the start of the semester will normally have their access temporarily suspended resulting in no access to the College buildings or its facilities. Students will then have seven days to contact the Student Finance team (see above) in order to pay their tuition fees or enter into a payment plan. Students who fail to contact Student Finance will be withdrawn from their course. 


Students who have been engaging with the College while they are part enrolled will be liable for tuition fees for the period where they have accessed educational services at the College even if they subsequently withdraw or are withdrawn by the College.

11. Tuition fee debts

In accordance with the College’s Student Terms and Conditions, students must ensure that all tuition fees and other expenses relating to the course are paid. This section of the policy sets out the actions that the College will take in relation to any student who has not paid their fees as required.

11.1 Penalties for non-payment

Where students fail to pay their fees in accordance with the College’s Student Terms and Conditions, the College reserves the right to impose penalties.  In all cases, the College will ensure that the penalty is proportionate to the student’s default.

11.2 Tuition fee debt

Students who have tuition fee debts from the previous academic year will not be permitted to re-enrol for subsequent academic years until they have paid off their outstanding tuition fee debt.

In exceptional circumstances only, it may be possible to reschedule the debt via a payment plan.  Students must be able to demonstrate that they can pay the previous year’s debt and the tuition fees for the current academic year to continue with their studies at the College.  All tuition fee debt must be cleared by the end of the Academic Year.

11.3 Failure to make scheduled payments

Where a student has entered into a payment plan and not paid an instalment by the due date, the student must immediately contact the Student Finance team (see above) to advise the College why the debt has not been paid. Access to the College buildings and facilities will normally be temporarily suspended three days after a missed instalment date and immediately following a dishonoured payment.

If a student fails to contact Student Finance, avoids contact from Student Finance or defaults on a revised payment plan, they will be recorded on the system as a debtor, and access to the College and facilities will be temporarily suspended until the situation has been resolved. In these circumstances, the College reserves the right to withhold transcripts and certificates.

In the event of a debt remaining unpaid at the start of the second semester, following a period of suspension of facilities, students may be withdrawn from their course.

Students who have previously defaulted on a payment plan may be refused the opportunity to pay in instalments (at the sole discretion of the College). 

11.4 Bursaries and scholarship payments

Bursary and scholarship payments will not be made to students who are debtors to the College or to those who fail to honour payment plan dates.

11.5 Graduation and degree certificates

A student who has outstanding tuition fee debt to the College will not be permitted to attend any graduation or awards ceremonies and certificates and transcripts will be withheld until all tuition fee debts to the College are paid in full.

12 Credit Control

12.1 Credit Control Policy

All outstanding debt is subject to normal credit control procedures, as well as specific sanctions stated in this policy. The Student Finance Team will endeavour to resolve the situation with the student before taking any action.

12.2 Final payment date

Students who have not paid their fees or do not have an appropriate payment plan will be given a final payment date.  Where a student has failed to pay their tuition fee debt within 14 days of the final payment date, the student will be refused access to the relevant service, e.g. a student who fails to pay their tuition fees may have access to the building or to Blackboard removed until such time as they make a payment or enter into a payment plan.

12.3 Collecting outstanding tuition fee debt

To collect outstanding tuition fee debt from self-funding students, the College’s credit control processes and procedures. This will include: 


  1. Contacting defaulters by phone. 
  1. Negotiating payment of tuition fees face to face and via phone/email. 
  1. Setting up payment plans ensuring that all information is recorded onto the system. 
  1. Personal interviews with students who have defaulted. 
  1. Finance drop-ins held throughout the year 
  1. Send first and second emails informing students of the outstanding debt on a monthly basis. 
  1. Issue Notification of Intents once debt has become 2 months overdue. 
  1. Pass to a College nominated debt collection agency 
  1. Issue summons as required. 


As outlined above any outstanding debts will be passed to a College nominated debt collection agency. 


If the debt collection agency is unable to recover the outstanding debt, a County Court Summons will be issued to recover all outstanding debts, including other debts such as outstanding accommodation fees or library fines etc. The College will seek to recover all additional costs.

13 Other Debts

In addition to tuition fees, students may be a debtor of the College in respect of: 


  • i) Library fines/Unreturned books 
  • ii) Equipment fines 
  • iii) Access to Learning Fund loans 


These debts will be dealt with in accordance with the appropriate policy (for example, the Library’s policy concerning fines).  Where a student has outstanding debts in one of the categories above, normal credit control procedures will apply, see the Credit Control section above.

14 Right of Appeal or Complaint

Students who consider that their case has not been dealt with fairly and that they should not have been withdrawn for tuition fee debt may make an appeal to the College under the Appeal Regulations set out in the academic regulations (pdf, 1.47mb).

Students who have a complaint about any matter in relation to their tuition fees may make a complaint under the Student Complaints Procedure.

Policy information

  • Responsibility: Chief Financial Officer
  • Date of approval: July 2017
  • Last reviewed: March 2022
  • Date of review: March 2026
  • Approved by: Academic Board